Led Zeppelin and baked chicken

I was badly in need of some rum. It was a Friday evening, and I had just returned home, after killing a man. The blood in my hands was still raw. Well, I wasn’t quite fond of the gooey feel that the rich ruby reddish blood was giving me; I loved my hands clean andContinue reading “Led Zeppelin and baked chicken”

Don’t Stop Believin’, Night of Inspiration and Nightlife: Interpretation of an alliance

A song in the key of E Major and Steve Perry’s voice resonatesDon’t stop believin’Hold on to the feelin’ Released in 1981, the song Don’t stop believin’ by the band Journey is one of those timeless rock beauties that still continue to rule the hearts of people. The story behind the title of the songContinue reading “Don’t Stop Believin’, Night of Inspiration and Nightlife: Interpretation of an alliance”